Saturday, February 1 - Save the Date for a St. James Winter Dance featuring live Armenian music by the Yerakouyn Band and international music by DJ Arden! Mezze included. Hosted by the St. James ACYOA Seniors.
Winter Dance! Sat, February 1

Christmas Events at St. James

Christ is Born and Revealed among us! Blessed is the Revelation of Christ!
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Krisdos dzunav yev haydnetsav! Tsezi Mezi Medz...
Christmas Service Schedule

We invite all faithful to attend church services as we celebrate the Feast of the Nativity and Baptism of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
On the eve of the Feast, the Jrakalouyts Divine Liturgy (the lighting...
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

6:30 PM | Musical Prelude
7:00 PM | Candlelight Service (in English)
Join us for an evening filled with prayer, music, and the light of our Lord.
Honoring our...
Name Day Celebration

St. James Armenian Church cordially invites you and your family to our Annual Name Day Banquet, celebrating the 93rd Anniversary of our Parish and Honoring Parishioners of the Year Hagop and Marsha...