Pastoral Services

Fr. Arakel is available 24 hours for spiritual guidance and support.

Please contact Fr. Arakel to make arrangements for any of the following Sacraments or Pastoral Services:

  • Baptisms
  • Cemetery Blessings
  • Counseling
  • Engagement Service (Blessing of the Rings)
  • Funerals
  • Hokehankisd
  • House Blessings
  • Pastoral Visits
  • Prayers for the Sick
  • Pre-marital consultation
  • Private Confession
  • Visitations to the Sick

 How to Contact the Pastor

Call the Church office at (617)923-8860 or e-mail:


In the past, clergy used to have access to hospital lists and directories of patients belonging to a given faith.  This allowed us to learn of and visit our hospitalized parishioners.  Due to federal hospital privacy regulations under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, most hospitals are severely restricting our access to such lists or are not placing patients on such lists.  These rules are being enforced now more than ever before.  As we do not have the same access to this information as we once did, we are often unable to visit our parishioners and offer prayers.  As always, we ask all parishioners to call the church office if you, or someone you know, is hospitalized and would like a pastoral visit. We thank you in advance.

With prayers and gratitude, Fr. Arakel and Fr. Arsen