On Sunday, June 1, St. James Church of Watertown, MA, celebrated the graduation of 15 Sunday School students. Following the Divine Liturgy, the graduates received diplomas from the Rev. Fr. Arakel Aljalian, parish pastor, and Marsha Alabachian, school superintendent.
The graduating class, taught by Julie Cristello, focused on the importance of service. Students spent the year organizing service projects in the Boston area, including “Holiday Mail for Heroes” through the American Red Cross and a volleyball game fundraiser to benefit a homeless shelter; they also volunteered to serve brunch at various shelters.
“This past year of Sunday School has changed my outlook: I want to be a better person, for myself, for society, and in the eyes of our church,” said valedictorian Emma Kaloostian. “I hope we all never forget that we are capable of making a difference, even if it is one small act at a time.”
Ms. Cristello told the students to “make sure that as you all head out into the real world, you speak up about things that matter. And remember, when the world gets overwhelming or you feel like you’ve lost God too, you can always return home to St. James.”
Click here to view a video prepared by the graduating class.