Yesterday, we communicated an important update regarding COVID-19/coronavirus. We ask that you please take a few moments to read the email if you have not done so already. Click here to read yesterday's update.
For the well-being of our faithful and the greater community, we are announcing a few additional decisions regarding parish events and programs.
Please note the following cancellations:
- Sunday School and Sunday Sprouts - canceled March 15 and March 22
- St. Sahag & St. Mesrob Armenian School - canceled March 14 and March 21
- Mesrob Mashdotz Institute Adult Language Classes - canceled for the weeks of March 16 and March 23
- ACYOA Seniors Meeting on Sunday, March 15 - canceled
- ACYOA Juniors Lenten Retreat on March 21-22 - canceled
- Real Life. Real Issues. Bioethics Series – all sessions have been postponed to a later date.
- Tuesday night BINGO has been canceled for March 17 and March 24
- Fellowship Hour - canceled Sunday, March 15 and Sunday, March 22
- As previously announced, the Lenten Lentils Luncheon/Fundraiser on March 15 and the Women's Guild Dinner Meeting on March 23 have been canceled
Fr. Arakel, our Parish Council, and the heads of our schools and organizations are in constant communication and continuously monitoring and assessing the evolving situation. We will continue to share updates in the coming days and weeks. We pray for the safety and well-being of our parish family, community, and nation.