“Her hands are busy spinning thread, her fingers twisting fiber.” Proverbs 31:19
The mission of the Women’s Guild of the Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Church is to live and share the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ through worship, education, witness, service and fellowship as expressed in the distinctive faith-experience of the Armenian people. All women of the Armenian Church are called to participate fully in this mission. Please click here to learn more about these aspects of this mission.
The Women’s Guild holds monthly meetings, and sponsors many diverse activities and projects including the hosting of Saintly Women’s Day and sponsorship of children in Armenia (CASP). Their events fulfill the mission of living and sharing the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ through worship, education, witness, service and fellowship as expressed in the distinctive faith-experience of the Armenian people.
Some examples:
- Participation in Divine Liturgy
- Participation in the making of mas and nushkhar
- Theme-based dinners followed by guest speakers and discussions
- Collecting toiletries for distribution to homeless shelters
- Cultural events (hosting Executive Director of the Armenian Library, book signing and discussions with Nancy Kricorian)
- Cooking and baking sessions (manti and choereg marathons, in addition to simit, tahin bread, paklava, boeregs, khadeif, etc.) for bake sales, bazaar and Easter
- Recipe calendar
- Visitations
- Women’s Guild Day at St. James honoring our departed members and all active participants in the Guild
- Charity fundraisers such as Hye Tea, raffles, (as example to benefit Sts. Tarkmanchatz School in Jerusalem) and to give annually a percentage of net proceeds to St. James
- Cooking and baking lessons (paklava, boereg, yalanchi)
- Social events and excursions
All women who subscribe to the doctrines and teachings of the Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Church may become a member of the Women's Guild.
For a membership application, please contact us.